Cracked Open: Ammar Reviews Marz Bubbly Kriek

Marz Brewing of Chicago has been outright kicking ass in our store since we began carrying their beers a few months ago. This past month, Marz has serenaded us with a beautiful array of hazy IPAs, such as "Holihaze," "Tart n Tangy," "Crazy Straws," and "Overhaze." This week, Marz changed things up, brewing "Bubbly Kriek," a tart and fruity Berliner Weiss brewed with fresh cherries. I had the pleasure of drinking a few of these bad boys and I thought so highly of it that I would like to share my experience with you.

Freshly Poured Into our Finest Plastic Cup (for um....Aromatic Purposes)
This beer oozes a strong sour cherry aroma upon opening. Without having to actually taste the beer, one can sense the fruitiness and acidity it purveys from its smell alone.

The fluidity of this beer's entrance into my cup was smooth as hell. With a subtle haze and the darkness of a cold glass of sweet tea on a hot summer day, this beverage has all of the visual characteristics of a refreshing Berliner Weiss style beer. The top was noticeably foamy, which was expected, since most beers of this style are well-carbonated, due to their relatively-low ABV. (Most Berliner Weiss beers measure in around 3-5% ABV and are super refreshing on summer days.)

The cherries that this beer is brewed with are immediately noticeable. Upon first sip, this beer is very sour and fruity. The low alcohol content leads to a more carbonated and fizzy mouthfeel. If you are a fan of other sour beers, such as those from Destihl Brewing, this beer is not as intensely lip-puckering. Instead, it finds its place somewhere in-between a saison and a fruity pale ale. Comparison wise, this beer reminds me a lot of Pollyanna Brewing's "Cranberry Allure," which has a similar fruity flavor profile that is coupled with a tart sour kick. I suppose that cherry is the ideal fruit to use in brewing a beer of this style, as it pairs well with the tangy-ness better than, say, strawberry or blueberry would.

Marz Bubbly Kriek (Left) alongside Marz Blackberry Jungle Boogie

Availability: Bubbly Kriek is in stock right now! Stop in for a 4-Pack for $13.99. But hurry, like all delicious beers, it won't last long on our shelves!


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